Monday, August 15, 2016

A Little Dramatic Flair

In early spring, we had the good fortune of attending a workshop at The Ron Clark Academy.  Friends, the place was A-MAZ-ING, and the personal development was worth every penny spent!!!  Prior to our experience there, we considered ourselves to be pretty forward thinking when it comes to the way we approach learning in our classrooms, but we walked away from that glorious school, in complete awe and with heads full of new ideas we had never even considered.

Upon leaving RCA, we both knew we HAD to have stages for our classrooms.  The only thing holding us back was knowing exactly what that would look like for us.  We mulled it over for a few months, perused Pinterest and teacher blogs, as well as Facebook and Instagram, looking for inspiration.  Finally, last week, Ronalea stumbled across EXACTLY what we had both been dreaming about looking for!  It was like a gift from GOD (o.k., maybe it wasn’t quite that dramatic, but you get the picture)! Kori Markussen, from #truetalesofateacher, was kind enough to share a stage that her dad had recently constructed for her, on Instagram.  The beauty of the one Kori and her dad built was that is was not only a modular stage that could work in several different configurations, but it doubled as bleacher/tiered seating for her kiddos as well.  We knew right away that we each HAD to have one in our lives!

Next came the hard part, roping my uber handy husband into showing us the love, by building not just one, but TWO of the darn things.  Per usual, he was a good sport and we got right to work. I wasn’t kidding when I told you we "NEEDED" these masterpieces in our lives.  There was no waiting for the grass to grow!  Ronalea sent the pic to me one day and we were already building them the next.  Should I be ashamed to admit we both felt it was a bit like Christmas?

Ronalea happened to be on vacation when this all went down, so we built, painted, and completed mine first.  Part of the fun of a project like this is putting your own blood and sweat into it.  We didn’t want to do any more work take that experience away from Ronalea, so we left hers alone until she was back home and could put her own touches on it.  Today, she and I worked as a team, sanding, painting, and adhering carpet to the pieces.  As you’ll see, the two stages are very much the same, but they are still different.  So, without any further ado, we are excited for you to check our creations.
It was built in four separate pieces

U-shaped seating
Everyone needs a runway to strut down from time to time